Since 2009, CareChex® Awards by Quantros have recognized top performing hospitals based on performance in patient quality outcome measures. Quantros uses its innovative medical quality rating system to identify the top performers in 39 categories of care from among nearly all general, acute care, non-federal hospitals in the nation.
CareChex Awards are differentiated from others in the market based on our proprietary methodologies for measuring clinical performance. This includes a sophisticated composite quality scoring and rating methodology, which involves consolidating multiple quality measures into a single percentile score to assess hospital performance and then assigning a rating. Click here to learn about the methodology behind the CareChex awards.
Find out if your hospital won awards by completing the form below. If you have already received your hospital's award summary, click here to access resources to promote your CareChex awards.
CareChex Awards are based on our peer-reviewed quality scoring system that compares inpatient quality performance across nearly all general, acute care, non-federal hospitals in the nation.
Unlike other rating systems, CareChex provides a comprehensive analysis of medical quality and does not incorporate any self-reported data.
Click here to access the hospital award usage terms.
Click here to access CareChex® Terms & Conditions.